Why UK Is Best Destination for Students

Study in UK

Study in UK

UK is amongst the most popular country for study abroad. Comprising of Wales, Scotland, England and Northern Ireland, the UK has more than 350 universities that offer various undergraduate, postgraduate and diploma courses to international students. Whether you make the early decision to study in UK or plan to pursue higher education after the completion of your graduation, the application will be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).

Apart from a world-class education, studying in the UK will give you a chance to explore some of the world’s oldest architectural marvels. Many scholarships are provided by the UK universities and government to cut down the cost of living and studying for Indian students.

Why Choose UK?

  1. Get a full time Masters’ Degree in 1 Year!

The UK provides you with an excellent opportunity to finish off your degree faster as they offer 1 year post graduation.

  1. Countless job opportunities!

One of the top global superpowers in the world, the UK shelters top talents from across the world into various domains & specializations!

  1. Affordable Tuition Fee in globally ranked universities!

Top class education at the most affordable rates, in a diversely inclusive English speaking country! What more can you ask for?

  1. Two Years Post Study Work Permit!

Upon completion of your education, get a stayback opportunity for 2 years where you can explore innumerable opportunities to harness your dreams!

  1. Work Part Time While Studying!

Use your free time to earn a few quick bucks or work in your domain of interest to have hands-on experience for 20 Hours/Week.

Top Universities in the UK

Here is a list of some of the world’s best universities located in UK that can become your study destination in the near future:

University  Location
University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK
University of Oxford Oxford, UK
University College London London, UK
Imperial College London London, England
University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, Scotland
University of Manchester Manchester, England
King’s College London London, England
London School of Economics and Political Science London, England
University of Bristol Bristol, England
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